Vida Ministry hosts ‘Soup With The Mayor’ Sunday

TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) – A non-profit organization held an annual fundraiser that aims to teach English to Topeka’s immigrant community.

Good food and friends were in abundance at First United Methodist Church of Topeka Sunday.

“We’re all very sated, we’re all very full, and it was a great way to go ahead and just open up a little bit more between different communities within Topeka,’ Says Hannah Naeger one of the event’s organizers.

“Soup With The Mayor’, puts a spotlight on Vida Ministry’s importance to Topeka’s community.

“That’s what draws me to this event. Is because it shows community work for a particular population, but not exclusive of any other population,” says

Vida Ministry is a Presbyterian organization that serves the Latino community in Topeka. it provides a variety of services, from English as a second language classes, to nutrition information and computer skills.

“They provide the opportunity to be more incorporated into the US overall but more incorporated into this particular community so they can continue to feel reflected in the city around them,” says Naeger.

The fundraiser suggested a $20 donation for a meal, and more.

“People come here from very different backgrounds, and we don’t know what their background and history is and so to make them feel more comfortable the more they can understand what is being said and taught and the more they can speak to the predominate language of the United States, English, the better they feel apart of every community that they’re in,” says Topeka Mayor, Mike Padilla.

When asked about how this event made her feel, Hannah Naegar felt excited about the future of Topeka.

“This event made me feel hopeful and instilled in me more of a sense of purpose in helping the immigrant community, particularly the Latino immigrant community here in Topeka,” says Naeger

“Service to the community is a big part of any church, and if we all did that on a regular basis, I think that we would feel much more comfortable about who we are,” says Mayor Padilla.

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