The Big Lie: Republican orthodoxy

The big lie is now standard Republican procedure, not just for election outcomes, where anything but a Republican win is a theft.

The Republican chorus claiming Herschel Walker won the debate last night with Sen. Raphael Warnock is another case in point.

Walker pulled a fake badge as a defense of his claim to have been a law officer.

He said he opposed a cap on insulin prices because people who rely on insulin should just eat better, ignoring science that says millions need the drug no matter how healthy their eating.

He was for an abortion ban before he was against an abortion ban.

He’s a serial abuser who claims to be a law and order exemplar.

I could go on. He still might carry Georgia. Newt Gingrich said Walker won the debate and if you can’t believe Newt…

This is the same party whose House minority leader asserted Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi didn’t call for security help during the Trump-led attempt to overthrow democracy on Jan. 6. Video shows him standing by watching her call for help (and a phone call concerned about the safety of Mike Pence, whom Donald Trump would have like to see hanged.)

This is the same party that voted to a person, including the Arkansas Republicans, against Biden spending legislation that they are now touting for benefits to their district and being spent like drunken sailors by the Arkansas Republican legislature while it cushions income tax cuts for the rich.

This is the same party with a candidate to oversee elections in another state who’s called for an end to mail voting, something he’s used repeatedly.

This is the party with people like Tom Cotton and Sarah Huckabee Sanders blaming worldwide inflation (more severe elsewhere than in the U.S.) on Joe Biden. His stimulus packages have strengthened the economy in many respects.

Every day another round of depressing headlines arrives about non-stop lying and polls that tell us the lies are effective.

What Jennifer Rubin said above is right. Not what this liar said.

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