Supreme Court Poised to Flush the Voting Rights Act | #republicans | #Alabama | #GOP

It’s grisly living in the USA these days. One has a sense of another impending asteroid, named SCOTUS-2, that is about to strike, and multiple times. With the November election looming, in which congressional majorities will be decided and the rules for administering fair elections are more contentious and disputed than ever, the next Bush v. Gore type of constitutional crisis may be a mere months away. As Stanford political scientist Larry Diamond and others have said, “Democracy is on the ballot.”

Here are some ominous signs of what is to come. On June 28, the black robed, nine-member Republican-controlled legislature – er, I mean the Supreme Court of the United States – overturned a federal district court’s order that the Louisiana legislature must draw a new congressional map to include a second majority-black district. Blacks comprise a third of Louisiana’s population yet the map was purposely rigged by Republican legislators to ensure that a black representative would win only one out of six US House seats. The Justices’ decision was unsigned and gave no reason, just like the unsigned Bush v. Gore in 2000 which ended the vote counting in Florida and decided one of the closest presidential elections in US history. Shake your head and repeat after me: “Five votes beats a reason any day.”

But SCOTUS already had a dress rehearsal for this judicial collision. Last February it reinstated Alabama’s congressional map that a lower federal court had ruled was illegally diluting the power of black voters by drawing only a single majority-black district instead of two. In Merrill v. Milligan, the federal district court ordered Alabama to draw a second majority-black district, but once again the Black Robes’ intervened with a brief, unsigned order that omitted any legal rationale or reason.

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