Peltola fundraises on the backs of aborted babies | #alaska | #politics

Rep. Mary Peltola and the Alaska Democratic Party have a message for Democrats: Abortion is her campaign currency this year.

Before, she was “sweet Mary.” She was all smiles during her first campaign for Congress.

Now, she’s going out with the angry message: “Stay the hell out of our exam rooms.”

Peltola, an abortion extremist who believes in up-to-moment-of-birth abortions, and her party sent a pro-abortion fundraising plea to her Democratic base last week. The edginess in the subject line was an effort to get people to open the email. But Peltola’s views do not line up with most Americans or Alaskans, as she is on the far edge when it comes to abortion.

 “My campaign in 2022 was centered around abortion rights and reproductive rights, and I’m working every day to protect these freedoms,” she wrote. Actually, it was centered on “fish, family, and freedom.”

“To me, reproductive choice is deeply personal – and I believe that DC politicians and the Supreme Court should stay the hell out of our examination rooms,” she wrote in her fundraising appeal.

The logic may extend to anything doctors and patients decide to do in the exam rooms of America’s clinics and hospitals. She is, by inference, saying all medical care should be deregulated.

The Supreme Court did not get into exam rooms, however. In fact, it liberated them from federal control when it undid Roe v. Wade and sent the decision about abortion back to the states. Each state now sets its own laws about abortion.

That’s not how Peltola sees it, however: “Unfortunately, my opponents disagree: They claim to support small government, but when it comes to abortion, they want the government to make decisions for women.”

“…the difference could not be more stark: I’m fighting to make sure DC politicians keep their hands off of our bodily autonomy, and my opponents are fighting for the opposite,” she wrote, and asked for money to help her stay in office for another two years.

The message was likely focus-group or poll-tested among the Democrat faithful, most of whom are pro-abortion. She’s going for the younger, angrier voter, catering to young women, who in Alaska are most supportive of abortion, hoping to make this an issue to cover her voting record against Alaska and her endorsement of Joe Biden.

Peltola actually doesn’t need the money for her campaign. She has raised more than five times what either Republicans Nick Begich or Nancy Dahlstrom have raised. But she’s shoring up her base with a message that she believes will work on them: Abortion all the way, with no restrictions at all.

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