Daniel Lurie bips Mayor Breed’s ballot measure — hilarity ensues

Despite San Francisco’s nightly portrayal on cable news as the burning dumpster fire of libtard misrule, crime fell slightly in 2023. Quips had been made decades ago — long before some dope coined the term “doom loop” — that you could skate from the bay to the ocean on broken car glass. But reported property crime also dropped a full 10 percent last year. 

Yet 2024 has started off with a bang. And a scream. And, frankly, a hilarious thud, with some politician-on-politician crime. To wit: Mayoral candidate Daniel Lurie last week announced he will appropriate the mayor’s police chase and surveillance ballot measure, Proposition E, funnel metric shitloads of money into backing it and use the resultant blitz to burnish his image. He will also, either subtly or not, chastise the incumbent mayor — whose ballot measure, again, this is — for making us vote on crap like this rather than mayor-ing it into existence during her six years in office.

The mayor’s reaction was fiery and apoplectic, like Smaug awakening from his complacent slumber to discover that Bilbo had filched his golden cup.  

“Daniel Lurie, who is running against Mayor Breed in the November election, has stooped to shameless opportunism by launching a personal campaign to support one of Mayor Breed’s ballot measures, Proposition E, while simultaneously attacking her for it,” read an email from Breed’s campaign committee, which arrived with a nifty red siren emoji in its subject line. 

“Why, you ask? Because his Prop. E campaign will allow him to exploit a dark money loophole: with no contribution limits on ballot measure campaigns, trust-fund millionaires like Daniel are able to pour massive amounts of cash into promoting their own name and face while criticizing Mayor Breed.”

(This is more fun if you read it in the voice of Ted Baxter from “The Mary Tyler Moore Show.”)

And this is where the hilarity comes in. Because raising gobs of cash for an opportunistic candidate to self-aggrandize herself and distract from her actual record is not only what Mayor Breed was already doing but what ridiculous, vacuous, red meat election-year measures like Prop. E are for. This isn’t a “loophole,” this is a system.

So for the mayor to claim the moral high ground here was, yes, hilarious. Both the mayor and Lurie resemble nothing so much as two thieves trying to rob the same bank. 

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