Community groups to meet with Rochester City Council | #citycouncil

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — A group of neighborhood leaders, community associations, business owners and residents from across Rochester are joining with police and government leaders to demand an end to the violence in their city.

The group is calling on elected officials to come up with a detailed plan to address the issue, one which community members are ready to help carry out.

The group will meet with Rochester City Council Thursday evening to ensure efforts to stop deadly violence hit the root causes, including homelessness and public safety.

“We’ve come together for one thing, to improve the city. And the violence is out of control and we have blood all over our hands if we don’t all work together to stop it,” said Mary Coffey, North Winton Village co-chair.

The Rochester Neighborhood Service Center has issued a notice to all neighborhood leaders inviting them to attend the meeting.

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