Cleveland city council members concerned about violence over Memorial Day weekend | #citycouncil

CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) – Like many of us, city councilmen Michael Polensek and Joe Jones are fed up with the rise of violence in Cleveland.

“Let’s work together, let’s identify who the perpetrators are and if we do that, we’re gonna see a big change in the city,” said Polensek.

Polensek has expressed his concerns to Cleveland’s top police officials about more crime and violence erupting during Memorial Day weekend.

“We’re all concerned about the summer especially if we have a hot so we’re looking at the police department especially as it pertains to deployment,” Polensek added.

At a recent safety committee meeting, Councilman Jones says more needs to be done to get illegal guns off the streets.

“Come back with something that goes after and targets the people in the city of Cleveland, the corner stores the gas stations, and anywhere that is selling the firearms… that’s the direction we should take this,” said Jones.

Polensek has advised CPD to partner with other local police agencies this weekend.

“We are hoping that the administration will bring in Ohio Highway Patrol more frequently… maybe the Cuyahoga County Sherrif’s department and you have U.S. Marshall’s office… how do we target the worst of the worst,” Polensek said.

He says the police can’t reduce the violence on their own.

He’s encouraging residents to stay out of trouble and if you see something, say something.

“Very troubling, the shootings that we saw last week in the city and to hear from the investigators… say people are cooperating, give me a break here. Someone shoots you and you don’t want to say anything, that is obscene quite frankly,” Polensek added.

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