Broomfield City Council ponders offering health benefits to elected officials – Boulder Daily Camera | #citycouncil

The Broomfield City Council discussed offering health care benefits to elected officials in the city and county during Tuesday night’s study session.

The majority of councilmembers agreed to move forward with a possible ordinance to allow for elected officials to receive benefits, and showed interest in reviewing other related factors, such as what amount of hours constitutes a person to be part time and eligible for benefits.

Per council’s request, city staff, including Director of Human Resources Niki Macklin, put together a presentation to discuss what it would look like to offer health benefits to elected officials based on the same premium contribution model as benefited employees with the city.

Currently, the city provides benefits, with a portion of the premium paid by the city to employees working at least 20-plus hours per week, and councilmembers can elect into this, however, they pay 100% of the premium expenses.

“Council has the option to elect in the CCOB (City and County of Broomfield) health care plans, but there is no premium contribution from the employer,” Macklin said. “This results in councilmembers who elect this coverage to pay 100% of the premium expense.”

According to the memo, if the proposal moves forward as an ordinance and is passed by council, elected officials would have two opportunities to elect or modify current coverage, either at the first of the month following the effective date of the approved ordinance, or during the annual open enrollment process immediately following the effective date of the ordinance.

The second option would typically occur in November with a Jan. 1 coverage effective date, meaning the benefits would most likely not be available until future terms. The council unanimously agreed that this was the best option.

The memo stated that a survey was sent out to local Colorado municipalities. Of the 17 that responded, eight provide benefits to councilmembers and nine don’t.

The general consensus among most councilmembers was that offering benefits could allow for more people to run for council who previously couldn’t due to working full time and needing benefits.

Councilmember Austin Ward, who works two part-time jobs outside of his council position, said he doesn’t receive any benefits despite all his positions.

“If I was classified as a full-time employee, I would not have the flexibility to attend council meetings and interact with the public in the capacity that I want to,” Ward said. “Because I really want to do this particular role and give back to the community that I live in, I have to be part time and don’t receive the same benefits.”

Ward said he believes thereare others in the community who would have to make this trade-off to hold an elected position, which makes it unattainable for many.

Councilmember James Marsh-Holschen said although he is fortunate to have a flexible job with great benefits that allows him to serve on council, he believes the work that goes into being a councilmember is beyond part time.

“The way we are set up right now, we are not a part-time council,” Marsh-Holschen said. “This is public service, but the way it’s set up right now with low compensation and no health benefits, it really is just the wealthy or the fortunate who can run for council.”

If the future ordinance is approved based on the current contribution model, councilmembers will have different types and levels of coverage to elect into, and depending on those elections the overall cost to the city will be dependent on those choices.

City and County Attorney Nancy Rogers said the first reading of the ordinance could be in either December or January, which, if approved, would put the new benefits into effect after the 2023 elections.

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