Ashley Carter: Talk is cheap! | #republicans | #Alabama | #GOP

“A little less conversation, a little more action, please.”

—Elvis Presley

Politics is a field where talk is cheap. It’s also one that seems disrespectful and childish.

Take the incident in the Alabama State House this past week. If I’m reading the article correctly, talk was outright racist as one Democratic legislator spoke to a Republican legislator. The two legislators are the same race, but the Democratic legislator stooped to quoting a rap song, totally disrespecting the legislative process and apparently trying to break her fellow lawmaker through lyrics repeatedly calling him a derogatory term. She herself would claim racism or discrimination if the tables were turned.

Or consider the pushback from elites on restricting ESG. These lawmakers seem to have special interests. Why else would they be influenced by the business community, seemingly forgetting the needs and desires of the common Alabamian who elected them to office?

Republican and Democratic politicians often promise the world during their campaigns, yet they fail to deliver on those promises once they are elected. Instead, they continually engage in word salads, chasing the same subject round and round the racetrack, only to end right back where they started. Such behavior has led to a growing sense of cynicism and distrust of politicians, who are often seen as self-serving, concerned more with their own interests than of those they represent.

It appears we have a lot of Chiefs and no Indians, people who want powerful titles but cower at the idea of doing any hard work. There is Chief Talks-a-lot, who gets nothing done. Then there’s Chief Sit-on-butt, who watches every bill fall by the wayside. And don’t forget Chief I-want-all-power-and-no-responsibilities! And finally, Chief I-expect-you-to-not-disrespect-me-or-use-racial-language, even if that chief does the same thing.

Communication is important in politics, but it is only one part of the equation. What really matters is what politicians do once they are in office. Politicians would get a lot more done if they did less talking about the reasons they personally don’t want a bill passed. They’d get more done if they worked together, standing strong, and following through with respectful actions, giving Alabamians alternative options to the same old politics as usual.

Politicians could also benefit from a more results-oriented approach to governance. Instead of focusing on the political optics of their actions, they could focus on the actual impact of their policies.

By focusing on results, standing strong, working on building true and respectful relationships with colleagues, and learning that they are servants to those who elected them, politicians would make a real, positive difference in the lives of their constituents. This operates across the board, not just from a Republican or Democratic viewpoint.

In conclusion, if politicians want to be effective and truly serve their constituents, they need to do what they say they are going to do, rather than just use the office to expand their careers or gain power and influence.

The voters are watching. The people have spoken. Failing is no longer an option. Make a difference, be a man or woman of your word or get out of the way!

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